Pink Unicorns

It may seem odd that I am writing something called ‘Pink Unicorns’ or that God can use something like that to send me a message, but I am here to tell you that He did and He can use anything that He feels will resonate with the person He is trying to reach.

At a time in my life when I was in a dark place and an abusive relationship, I had a dream that me and the guy I was with at the time were sitting on top of bleachers in an open field. I looked up and, in the distance, I saw three old planes coming into view and they flew over our heads. Next, I saw 3 newer fighter jets and they also flew over us. Then I saw black hawk helicopters and they flew on past.

Last, I saw something white flying towards us, as they got closer, I could see that it was several solid white horses, but they didn’t fly on past. As they begin to land in the distance, I could see the last few were pastel colors; blue, pink and purple. They started to head my direction and as they approached, I saw they were unicorns. They were so beautiful! They came straight up to me. I held out my hand and just as the first one got close enough to touch my hand, I woke up.

At the time it was a beautiful sight, but I didn’t know what it meant. I was in a controlling relationship where I gave in to every command. Now if your abuser/controller has that kind of manipulating power over you, where he is getting everything he desires, do you really think he is going to make you move out? That is exactly what happened to me. At the time it caused pain, heartbreak and confusion. But now, I can see it was God working in my life and causing this person to be so unhappy with the situation that he threw me out; (By the way, that is something I now thank God for every day!)

I had a tendency as a people-pleaser to stay in a bad situation much longer than I should. I was trying everything in my power to make this relationship work. Problem was just that…everything in “my” power.  At the time, I did not have Jesus in my life.

I was sitting in quiet time with the Spirit, reflecting on some dreams. He brought this dream back to the forefront of my memory with an explanation and I saw the image of a pink unicorn.

“Human armies couldn’t have gotten you to leave him. Some will pass you by and not even stop to save you. But I will send My army of white horses for you. They will come in a form you won’t expect or understand at first, but it will be unique and beautiful.”

He was so right about that. I can see now in hindsight how He was working in my life to get me away from this situation. All of this happened just a few short months before my life-changing year.

Funny thing, I started seeing pink unicorns everywhere I went. I thought about my dream and how God saved me. But I didn’t think of writing about it at the time. A few weeks later, I began to see even more pink unicorns and one day I lost count I saw so many. (Not actual live ones…but you know- images in stores on everything. Ha!)

The next morning, during a run I was processing how many I saw the day before and I asked him to reveal to me if there was another message, I needed to receive from them. That is when He gave me this message to write. In my experience, when I don’t get His intention at first, He puts it in front of me again and again until I get the message.

If we pay attention to the things God is trying to tell us, there is always a prominent message in it, and it can bring the type of change that we don’t know we need. We can rely on His promises and know that He will come for us with an army of warriors to bring us home.

How have you seen God work in your life?

3 thoughts on “Pink Unicorns

  1. Angela, your post touched my heart. There are many things we needed to survive…air, water, etc, but God’s gift of color was not a “have to” kind of thing. His love shines in color to me. Thank you for sharing your journey 🙂 He arose! He arose! Hallelujah, Christ arose! The blessings of peace to you, sweet gal!

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